

Reported UFO Looks Half Transparent Over Texas

MUFON sometimes get's the most bizarre submissions from the general public who feel it's their duty to reveal these amazing UFO sightings and guys, without your eye witness statements (no matter how short or long) they couldn't investigate the sightings.

I don't know how to really describe this as best as I could but to me, this looks half transparent, triangle in shape and the lights are telling me that these are not spotter lights but lights inside the craft?


That's why I'm saying "half transparent" as we can nearly see through it?

Is that a trick of the lights though?

Is that a man made stealth air craft or is this a bone fide, Alien stealth spaceship?

It's definitely not what you'd see at a normal airport. You wouldn't see this coming in to land at an airport near you, would you?


The answer to that is a solid, no! So it only leaves us with a real Unidentified Flying Object in the true sense of the words.

So what the bloody hell is it?

We know it exists, we know it's been formally reported and MUFON who have accepted this but what I don't know though, is if MUFON is actively investigating it?

I refuse to sign up to pay to look at freely submitted UFO sightings so if your a paying subscriber to MUFON then good on you, go check it out it's case number 90062.

If someone freely gives their UFO photos to MUFON and then they turn around and charge you for looking at your own UFO photos, then WTF!

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I do not agree with that at all. All UFO sightings should be free to access them.


You really do make a difference though by reporting your photos of anomalies and you do further the efforts into Ufology.

Disclosure is coming in the form of every single UFO sighting report that is submitted, no matter where you report it to?


So, check out the amazing eye witness statement that's attached to the these UFO photos which were caught on the 1st of March in 2017.

The below words are what the eye witness gave to MUFON so even though there's only a bit of a description, there's still enough to get a good idea of what it was like.

  • This object was large and slow moving.
  • It had white lights a grey colour.
  • Were very amazed and nervous.
  • The object continued to move away and disappeared from sight as it moved away.

TITLE: United States Victoria 90062
CASE ID: 90062
ALTITUDE: Over 500 Feet (under cloud cover)
CITY: Victoria
COUNTRY: United States
DISTANCE: 501 Feet - 1 Mile
LATITUDE: 28.847454246933
LONGITUDE: -96.988949545724
OCCURRED: 2017-03-01
LOCATION NAME: Victoria, Texas
TYPE: UFO Sighting

Source Image MUFON.

Source Reference MUFON.

Place of sighting United States, Victoria, Texas.

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  1. Looks like the drones that fly what seems like every night but most likely 24/ 7 over our area. Can't find any documentation at all as to who is responsible for them.


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