

Mars Undeniable UFO Evidence - NASA Come Clean

Top 100 most bizarre Mars UFO and Alien images ever discovered by Mars image researchers and this is out there.

There's one of the "top 100" images in this list that beggars belief because I know that in 2014 there was a NASA program that was to send a Flying Disk type Saucer into our stratosphere to test the decelerator device but this image in the top 100 does look just like the same one which NASA displayed here on Earth "the prototype so-to-speak for all future Mars landings.


GreyFace YouTube channel Video.

But, this one looks like it's been there for a very long time and NASA didn't put it there as they've not taken credit for it. Grey Face YouTube channel has highlighted the anomaly with filters only so it brings out the shadows, the edges, and the depths and this gives us a better idea of how long it's been sitting there on Mars.

NASA was working on a similar looking Flying Saucer in 2012 and here's one on Mars.

very, very long time is my guess. Or is it just a coincidence that this rocky formation on Mars looks like the NASA Mars Deceleration Device?

I don't believe in coincidences at all and I never will. Lee Lewis UFO Sightings Footage/Ufosfootage.

My question is this:

has NASA been sending vehicles to Mars for longer than they say they have? Because, of the many different examples of anomalies on Mars, it seems like NASA is aware of something on Mars and has been investigating this in secret!

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What is your favourite Mars anomaly that tells you there's life now or has been on Mars? Let us know in the comments section below, cheers.

NASA prepare the decelerator for shipment to Hawaii.

Credit: NASA/Grey Face YouTube/UFO Sightings Footage/Canva.

Check out my YouTube channel.

Below is the amazing Mars anomaly video. There are a lot of UFO-type images and strange rock formations including artefacts that look just like random Earth and Human-made objects.

It's a bizarre thing to see a man-made object - but on Mars.

Haven't you ever wondered why are there so many anomalies on Mars to the point where anyone can put together a "top 100 Mars anomalies" YouTube video?

Seriously anyone in the world can get the most robust but brick-like phone and put together a to 200 or top 250 Mars anomalies and that's probably the most bizarre thing about NASA because it's all NASA archival footage. It's not made up of AI or created in old-school Adobe which by the way is on its knees to the average designer as AI can create anything it wants to in a fraction of the time it takes a fantastic designer to create.

What's going on on its way out because of AI?

AI was established back in 1956 and it means the same thing then as it does now "a machine’s ability to perform traditionally human tasks". Bet you didn't know that.

Did you know that:

  • By 2025, AI could replace 52% of jobs globally.
  • By 2030, AI could take over some 800 million jobs worldwide.
  • That's according to Gitnux

The ever-increasing list of AI-replaced jobs

Bloggers and translators are already gone, architects are going out, underwriters are going out, coders like software and computer coding experts are under threat, teachers will always be needed but they're not essential in some parts of the world, driverless cars based on AI, planners of all categories, game developers, inventors and

Check out this fact of life:

In a Philips plant producing electric razors in the Netherlands, robots outnumber the nine production workers by more than 14 to 1. Camera maker Canon began phasing out human labour at several of its factories in 2013. McKinsey.

It's a new concept called "lights out production concept" where manufacturing activities and material flows are handled entirely automatically.

Now let's hope that things will even themselves out because it must work with us otherwise it's against us, the people of Earth.

There are many strange and bizarre, even hidden in plain sight Alien artefacts. I'm pretty sure that there's a "top 1,000" Mars anomaly and all it takes is for someone to create it.

Credit: GreyFace YouTube Video, UFO Sightings Footage, UFO Madness, ufosfootage.

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